Monday, March 31, 2008

Joining the Green Party

Joining the GREEN PARTY

Yesterday, around the world, people were encouraged to turn off the lights for an hour in an attempt to raise awareness of how our lifestyle is damaging our earth. Good job. But how feeble and small the attempt. Better than nothing, but barely.
Judy and I have recently joined the GREEN PARTY in the realization that the issue of our environment is really the only issue. All other problems and topics simply are not important unless our world is taken care of. We have voted for all of the main parties in the past. They all have good people and good ideas that make sense. But right now they simply do not stand for anything that counts.
The Conservative Party of Canada is laughable in its name because it clearly represents the interests of those who are least interested in conserving. What do they stand for? Making the wealthy more so, as far as I can see. What about the Liberal Party of Canada? They’re only purpose is getting elected. They will adopt any policy that they feel will get them votes. They claim to be the most ‘centered’ party and therefore the most meaningless. The N.D.P. have often gotten my support in the past but their focus on middle class families and jobs is putting the cart before the horse. If you don’t care for the earth, there will be no middle class.
What do the Greens say about education, economics, foreign policy, transportation, equalization payments or anything else? As far as I am concerned, they don’t have to have any definite policies in any specific areas other than to view and act on all issues through the lens of what is best for our world. That issue is the concrete of the foundation of all else. What is good for the world is good for all of us and what is good for all of us is good for the world. Protecting the poor and needy, urban development, trade practices, justice issues, all issues, can only take on their proper perspective when viewed in total with it’s place in the world and our environment. The Green Party of Canada is the only group that is trying to do this.
The four by-elections of a few weeks ago (I actually got off my butt and helped in one of them) showed that about 15 % of the people agree with me. Maybe we’ll wake up enough to allow the Green Party to take part in our public debates on TV. They (we) have as much support as the N.D.P. after all!
Not many of us think that enough M.P.s will actually be elected to form a government but that’s fine. Already the Green Party is getting enough votes to scare the politicians of the other parties and a scared politician is a good politician. When a few M.P.s are wearing green and the national numbers for support is around 20 %, them we’ll really start to see some uncommon sense and policy.
If you’re following my writings you know that for me, taking care of the world is an expression of my spiritual belief. But even if it wasn’t, I hope I would be smart enough to realize that it is also the best thing to do from purely a selfish motive. Continuing like we have been and putting up with government that seems powerless to DO anything meaningful in this most essential area, is just stupid. Whatever your motives, I encourage you do send out a small shock wave in the political arena and join the GREEN PARTY OF CANADA. There probably isn’t any more important thing you could do today. Or tomorrow.
All for now on March 30. Have a good day. Work and hope for a good tomorrow.

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