Monday, December 10, 2012

How to Live Through Your Grandchildren

Anthony Gifford: How to Live Through Your Grandchildren

For most of us, our lives seem to usually crawl along without much change. And then, sometimes unexpectedly, something will change. An event that makes us see things differently. A chance to choose a different path. Maybe a graduation. A marriage. Job opportunity. A death. Or becoming a grandparent. Looking into the eyes of that small miracle, realizing that everything that has been is wrapped up in this awesome package. You would gladly die for this new being.

Suddenly you are an elder. You begin to reflect on your life in new ways, to see yourself and even the whole world through different lenses, through the eyes of this baby in her years to come. Maybe this is why most of the world's civilizations have valued the wisdom of the elders. They alone had the outlook that was needed for survival in the long run. But our culture doesn't share this view. So, grandparents, we've got to smarten up and look at the facts.

What is this world we are leaving behind? Since our births, the population has tripled. We have used over half of the non-renewable resources of the world, about 80% of the oceans' fish. Most of the current pollution and climate change has happened in our life-time. We are leaving and are still living toward catastrophe. This is our gift and legacy to our grandchildren.

The question for us: Do we love our grandchildren? Would we die for them? Would we live for them? Fact: Most of the world's wealth is in our hands. We have the time now to do as we will. We hold vast stores of knowledge and influence. We now have the opportunity to do what ever we want. What do we want? IS the question. If we rely on senior and retirement literature, all we're interested in is skin creams, keeping our portfolios in good shape and picking the right trip or cruise. Spending money, making money and not being any good for anyone else! And a merry Christmas to you, grand kids!
This kind of retirement will continue killing the earth and killing our grandchildren in the process.
If we love them, If we would die for them, If we would live for them, firstly, we must actually talk to them, sharing with them the reality of us and our role in what has happened, and our knowledge of what must now happen in order for life to continue. Talk from your own truths. It may be Jewish, or Christian or Muslim, atheist or agnostic. The truth will be the same. And vow to live on much less, for what you now use is literally stealing from those who are yet to come. Vow with them to learn to share. Vow with them to influence others, to become active in all aspects of life. You might be amazed as to their reaction. Form with them a conspiracy, but don't plan on the middle generation to understand. They'll probably be too busy making money and worrying about their retirement to give any energy to the really important stuff of life.
Grandparents, what a chance we now have. Become WISE. Use your power, time and knowledge for those who come after. Refuse to follow the lies of success that surround us. Look into the eyes of the very young and see again the way of truth and love. Let the little children lead.   

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