Monday, February 9, 2015

The Very Old and Very New and Radical Idea of One-ness

  I'm going to try, very hard, to not make such a big thing about blogging here. I've been quite hesitant to share and it's not done me any good. Here it goes.
  All of the old faiths share one common assumption, that there is a 'one-ness', somehow, in the totality of things. The approach may be different and the names, of course, will vary, but that One-ness is still there, beyond and within, seen and unseen, in all we can imagine and far from our imagining.
  Until recently, this concept has been seen as merely 'spiritual' and 'other worldly', beyond reality and normality. It's quite wonderful and affirming that this concept of 'one-ness' is now in the science books, that even the so-called god-less  people of science (according to the fundamentalists, who insist that the earth is 6000 years old) all affirm the one-ness and wholeness of creation in their various theories, of string, quantum, wave, particle, etc..
  If we would really take the time to think about this reality, most of our problems as humans, would change for the better. What if the wealthy and powerful  really begin to understand that they were no more important than a leaf on a tree, a mole in her hole? What would happen if people really began to understand that we who control the earth are no more important than what we control, that the earth is just as 'holy' as we are?
  Science now teaches us that All really is ONE. All thought, matter, energy, light, ALL is ONE.
  That includes what we are: our joys, sorrows, hopes and dreams. Everything includes and influences everything else. WHOAH!  That's scary, for it implies that what we think, dream, etc, influences everything else, not just what we do. This idea implies that maybe, even with certainty, that we people (and maybe the whales, dolphins and others?) who can imagine, are influencing much more than we have thought.
  In all of the space that we have been able to see (not much of it, I admit) we have yet to find other life. If thought is part of the whole, if what we think, projects to all else, how important it is for us to grow in love, for all of creation is affected.  From our isolated little planet in our small solar system, might be coming the power to change and affect the unimaginable.
  What damage is greed, hatred and intolerance doing, even beyond our earth? What eternal changes will be made if we change our ways of thinking, really trying to grow in love beyond all other desires? Up to now these goals have been for rather selfish reasons, to 'get into heaven' or some such. Those might have been good enough reasons, in their time, if you believed in a God of heaven and hell. But now, the goal of love is way beyond the merely personal. We are told that it connects to everything, and even is beyond time.
  Take some quiet time and think about this stuff, no matter what your religious beliefs are. This reality makes our specific religions subservient to a greater whole. Thank God for that! It brings us all  together, like it or not. We really are responsible and influenced by each other. None of us can get off the hook, claiming to be isolated and mere  individuals, able to think and do what we will and  be  unaffected by others. That has  always been a lie: now, it's just officially the truth. What we think, our degree of love or hatred, does make a difference. Luckily, this is in our control.
  Thanks for being here. Send some loving thought my way.

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