Sunday, February 24, 2008

Christianity's Biggest Sin - Ignoring the Earth


The Earth as a whole and all its parts is now in crisis. This is not news. Even the G.W. Bushes and Stephen Harpers of the world grudgingly acknowledge the fact of global warming, the peril it presents, the causes and the probable actions that must be taken to offset the effects. It is the single most discussed topic worldwide. Leaders have emerged to take centre stage in the campaign against the causes of this phenomonem, some of them credible in their background and some that have suspiciously just seen the light. And good for them. We need leadership from any and all backgrounds to effect change enough to make a difference.
But where is the Christian voice? Where is leadership from the Churches? I don't mean individual (Al Gore is a Christian) efforts or even special worship services at any given congregation on some National Earth Day but real, visible, audible, sustainable, prophetic leadership on this spiritual matter?
Spiritual, you say? EXACTLY! “God so loved the world...” “..and God created the Earth.....and it was good.” “The world is the Lord's and all that is thereon.” I could fill pages with biblical quotes that say what every Christian, Jew and Moslim has always known, that all the earth is holy, that how we treat the earth is an expression of our faith, that we are faithful to our calling when we are good stewards.
There is absolutely no doubt that every nearly every church has been terrible, faithless and blind stewards over the last thirty years. I need to be clear that I am painting with a broad brush here. There are some wonderful exceptions, many of which I am no doubt ignorant. In Canada I am well aware that the Menonites and Quackers have attempted to be prophetic voices of sorts and feeble sounds have come from the head offices of some of the moderate churches but there has simply not been a voice/message from the churches that has been recognizable. The only defender of the earth didn't wake up to do the job.
Now many have gotten on board for their own good reasons. People are going to die. Lives are going to change. Profits are going to be lost. The general economy of the world is being affected. The most greedy and inhuman are now concerned. And still today, where are the Christians? They are as badly divided as always, even while the world as a whole is ralying around.
This issue has exposed the shallowness of the “belief” system of current western Christianity like no other. Churches, how can you expect or ask for respect, attention and curiosity when your heads are so far in the sand? How could you have not been awakened by the words of your songs and scriptures in the last thirty years? What other forces blind you to God's WORD

"Everyone is guilty of the good we did not do"- Voltaire

"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance." - Socrates

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