Sunday, February 24, 2008

What are Our Society's Values? - Terrorists


If our culture gathers around the Super Bowl more than any other event, it could very well be argued that we value nothing more than what is basically a collection of youngish millionaires getting paid to push/carry/throw a ball from one end of a field to another. What do we value as a society? I know we say a lot of things, but show me something we value more than sports or our appearance. Do we value our religious beliefs? More Americans watched the Super Bowl game yesterday than attended worship. We spend far more on cosmetics than we give to churches or to the poor. When we use any standard, our culture , without a doubt, has, for its main value,the desire to accumulate and spend wealth, and goes to great trouble ignoring anything else.

Look at The Antique Road Show on TV. Here people bring their antiques to experts to find out the history and story of items. There is no doubt that the most important aspect to most is the evaluation of the item at the end. That alone gets a real reaction from the folks. The background of the piece may be nice. The fact that it might be worth many times what was originally paid is fantastic.

On the news this morning was a tragic story of a family in the eastern U.S. where the fourteen year-old boy killed his siblings and parents, shot them with his father’s hand gun. In no way am I blaming this tragedy on the Super Bowl, but can we be surprised if happenings like this occurr even more frequently in a culture that has such a values vacuum?

We have deluded ourselves in thinking that we value freedom, especially those of us in the U.S. That is obviously garbage to anyone outside of America. Most non North Americans can see the obvious, that we are a people nearly bankrupt of all positive values. As such, we export our value-less-ness and are threatened by other cultures or attitudes that DO have values.
Let me ask a question of you. For what would you die? What to you is more important than life? Is there a cause, an ideal, a movement, a hope, for which you would lay down your life? I truly hope there is. If so, you are rare indeed.

For many hundreds of millions of people outside our culture, they simply would not believe you if you answered in the affirmative. They believe what they see, what they have experienced. And they see us building and perpetuating a system that clearly has no value other than the accumulation of wealth, taken from the people and the earth and directed toward the already rich.

And we are so blind and stupid as to be astonished when there is a reaction from those of other cultures? We really DO expect others to be as valueless as we are! When others question our ways we write them off as being old-fashioned, ignorant or hopelessly idealistic. When others voluntarily give there lives to strike a blow, however small, at our way of life, especially by blowing themselves and a few symbolic others to pieces, we call them terrorists and in the naming we place them in a category that includes the mentally insane, misguided, delusional, nameless, worthless ‘other’ people. We are really frightened when someone acts, really DOES something for a cause that we would never do for any cause. The very fact that some people think that there are some things bigger and more important than life, scares us.

What else scares us? Nothing scares us more than a possible stock market crash. We are that separated from reality, to values shared with most of humanity. We clearly don't value our health, judging at how we self abuse. We clearly don’t value the earth, since we are wrecking it so much. We don’t value future generations since we have no compunctions to leaving them so little resources and so much of a mess. How can we possibly be surprised when those of other ideologies and cultures feel strongly enough to give their lives in the hopes that things might be changed?

I think it very strange that there aren’t more so-called suicide bombers. I bet that security was tight at the Super Bowl on Sunday. If I had wanted to make a statement against this stupid and evil culture, that’s where I would have headed. I’m a disciple of a pacifist so don’t worry about me. I do what I believe and I don’t believe in killing. The point I’m trying to share is that the event of Sunday was as worthy of attention as were the twin towers. Let’s see things as they are. Let's not be surprised with there are those who give their lives to stop us when we, by living the way we do, are taking the lives of so many, not only today, but for generations to come. Just who is committing suicide here, anyway?

“Names are used for calling when there’s nothing more to say.” - Gordon Lightfoot

Freedom: Nothing left to lose. - Chris Kristopherson

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